Friday, May 14, 2010

The Obama Social Security Number is under discussion

Today's Internet has been buzzing about Obama's Social Security number and whether or not it is really a valid number.

While Web surfers curious expires Elena Kagan, BP oil, and even Tampa, and the Federal Reserve are (what happened, that lack of money), I know, but in the middle of it all people want more, " What's up with Obama's Social Security number? "

It 'started when two private investigators, the numbers that Obama issued by the issue of social securitydecided to do some 'digging. One was the concern that the numbers are from the Social Security Number State of Connecticut. This is a state, the president must declare, without past and without connections, he has presented a social security number of that country.

The second problem is that the Social Security Card issues was two years after the first public employment of Obama. This raises the question of how he received public employment in the first place?

Whatsocial security numbers and understand what a person could very quickly say the number to represent themselves under. However, sometimes there are disagreements, which can be explained perfectly. For example, I was born in Florida and issued a birth certificate of the State of Florida. My mother did not ask for a social security card for me until I ready to school almost 5 years old Start. At this point she had moved to Virginia so my SSN reflects the Commonwealth and notSunshine State.

However, this was a question that must be addressed in school, long before I ever got my first job. So what about Obama and his number subsequently released? And what is the explanation of the state of matter?

Many people believe that this revelation will be on Social Security, the number of Barak Obama, evidence of a conspiracy. The researchers say that Obama could be a Social Security number has won in Hawaii, his birthplace, and then another in 1986. MoreIt 'amazing that investigators believe that in this new issue of Obama had in 1986, died of a person who was born in 1890.

Why Obama should take a different social security number, something to hide about his past? Many believe that it was not suitable, our 44th president and that, as the struggle to prevent a birth certificate (where he spent more than 2 million in legal costs) are all steps to cover deficiencies in the past.

Tell meThis, however, if all this were true, as he slid by officials who screen potential presidential candidates in the first place? These conspiracy theorists who think the whole show government is behind this scheme? And if so, what the target of which would develop in such a plan?

What do you think? If you are stretching for something that does not exist or Obama, at least at some level, a fake?

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