Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Use the tea to differentiate your business

In the vast sea of equal cost, so that your small business stand out is vital. Differentiate your small business should not be difficult. A drink of 5,000 years, is a simple way to help give you an advantage over competitors. A simple cup of tea can help your business stand out in a crowd.

Although most of the tea consumed in the United States is in the ice cup, a simple and effective way to help customers remember to be and send theBusiness. Tea has been submitted and the Renaissance, and is more popular than ever. Health concerns are the main reasons for its increasing popularity. Tea) is the world's most popular drink (except water. In the United States is 6 most popular beverage, after water, soft drinks, coffee, beer and milk.

With several new varieties and can help customers remember your business. If you are looking to increase supply andSelection, the first question, your service on the types of tea. Ideally, serve a few varieties, including a black, flavored black tea, herbal, green and decaffeinated tea. Usually offer less than black tea, the variety is a good breakfast all hours of the day. Most of the tea consumed in the U.S. is black tea with the two most popular being English Breakfast, Earl Grey.

If you own an Irish pub serving authentic tea Ireland. Perhaps Barry's or Punjana, both of which are still produced in Ireland. If you have a health-oriented restaurant, try rooibos, and the last to be popular with the drinking herbal tea. Rooibos, also known as red tea, cabbage is a uniquely South Africa's Cedarburg Mountains. Sude Rooibos red in color and has a unique flavor of hazelnut cake.

Having a coffee with a focus Russian or French?. Then try Kousmichoff PM & Sons, or Kusmi> Tea, in 1867 to see in St. Petersburg, Russia. It 'the only ancient tea firm still making the original Russian blends of the last century. Today the product is manufactured in France. Kusmi are packed in original pre-Bolshevik Russian Revolution. All products are available in packs of English and French.

They serve Indian food? Dilmah will be a good choice would be. This will mark a new experience for most clients. Dilmahis entirely grown, handpicked and packaged in Ceylon (Sri Lanka), producer of the best teas in the world. And 'fresh, rich and full of flavor. Tea is a good introduction for new tea drinkers.

Your companies are focusing a Scot? Then serve Scottish Blend, which was introduced in 1990, and in the midst of the most popular brand in tea Scotland. Scotland Scottish Blend was launched for the first specially blended tea. In 1998, Scottish Blend of Scotland has become the number two brand of tea.

Do you have a typical American coffee? Find a local artisan tea company. With the revival of tea, handicrafts are springing up in many communities.

Even if you have a bookstore or other retail business, you can use different brands such issues during the year. In running the St. Patrick's Day, serve a real tea from Ireland.

Prior to the selection and serving of a brand or variety of> Tea try some yourself and decide what tastes best. Maybe even a bit of your personal taste of tea. brands offer, customers can not easily get locally. This is a new experience to support customers and your company is different. You can also offer to sell tea to customers.

You can drink tea with some retailers and the Internet. When you buy tea, then try to do some 'cross-promotion in aDiscount.

Differentiate your company can do much to make it a memorable experience for the customer and ensure a return trip.

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