Because the amount of green tea is even stronger, people are probably many people ask what is fact and what is fiction. The truth is that the benefits of this are many varieties of tea are well known and documented. As his popularity continues to grow, green tea is, in turn, find the object of further research and teaching. The reports continue to shine.
Scientific study confirms a number of health benefits that can go along with the consumption of greenTea>. Japanese Studies show, for example, that people who consume three cups of tea diseases fifty-seven Green Day are less likely to develop heart disease and other life-threatening. New research from the UK points to a connection between green tea and weight loss and improved insulin sensitivity.
Although no doubt some claims about green tea that research are not guaranteed, many of their advantages. Who has a cup, or increase of three or four,probably find this delicious drink provides more than a smooth, clean taste.
The basics of green tea
Green tea is believed that man is one of the oldest varieties of tea than once. His story is thinking about going back to 3,000 years. This is one of the most common and oldest forms of tea in the East.
Green tea is a difference, because it is one of the purest forms of these drinks. In contrast to his black counterpart,Green tea does not undergo a fermentation process. This means that the chlorophyll in the leaves is what the diversity of its different color. The lack of fermentation green tea also helps maintain a larger amount of natural antioxidants. Herein lies the greatest advantage of the tea.
The importance of antioxidants
Antioxidants are substances found in tea for many foods, including green, help clean the body andDisease prevention. They are known for their ability to neutralize the effects of free radicals detected. These substances are the "bad" that damage cells and cause diseases such as cancer.
Antioxidants with different types are contained in a variety of foods. From green tea to tomatoes and carrots, the number of natural foods have antioxidant properties. Several types of antioxidants do different things. In the case of green tea, the benefits are known to extend someAreas of health.
What researchers say
The health benefits of foods that are an abundance of antioxidants have been known for a long time. The special benefits of green tea, but now really only earn the spotlight, despite the popularity of this drink's long-standing in the East.
Scientific studies of a number of universities around the world back many of the benefits of green tea. One of the latest studies offer hope for the fightObesity and diabetes also.
Researchers at the University of Birmingham in Britain has revealed some pretty clear advantages of this particular mixture. They found that green tea can increase fat burning in humans and also the effectiveness of natural insulin in the body.
To test their theory, the researchers gave the green tea extract a number of human subjects. The experimental group was tested for insulin sensitivity and fatOxidation. What the researchers found, the amounts deposited in the green tea and makes it more interesting.
According to the study, consumption of green tea can contribute to the oxidation of fat up to 17% with exercise combined with moderate prices. It was also found that insulin sensitivity to increase by as much as 13%. While the performance demands of business and, research shows that green tea can have an influence on weight and help fightDiabetes.
The bottom line is that the results of the study of Birmingham continue to support the idea, long held by the Chinese green tea is a natural wonder that can improve health and increase the ability of body to function better.
What does the research
While green tea is not a panacea, Birmingham Research shows that this drink may be a special tool is a very effective weight loss and diabetes control. Although it is not his jobher in terms of weight loss, its properties make it very favorably with the daily routine, which also include the exercise.
In addition to weight loss benefits, the news of insulin sensitivity is very good for diabetics around the world. Again, this is probably the most popular drink is not a cure for diabetes, but may contribute to natural insulin or insulin prescribed by a doctor who takes his job more efficiently. This is great for diabetics who want to developStrategies to help themselves is less need to inject insulin or oral supplements.
Add green tea in everyday life
Green tea is widely available. Consumers will find high-quality green tea is available online by specialized companies. E 'in restaurants, grocery stores and convenience stores still are.
The good news about green tea is that studies the fall line in the backHype. If the fact is separated from fiction, reality is very promising. This ancient drink can and will help to improve their health and can also support the fat metabolism and insulin activity.