Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tea Basics: Tips for Buying Tea
Monday, November 29, 2010
Got space? Nail & Spa Salon Store in HEB or Dry Clean
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Tips of making tea: water quality in preparation for the Tea
Friday, November 26, 2010
Do you think your drink
Thursday, November 25, 2010
You can drink tea
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Assam tea or Rooibos
Not a nice feeling to wake up one bright Sunday morning? Your wife or husband has already prepared breakfast, so you just wash your face, sitting at the breakfast table and read the papers. And what better way to start the day with a cup of drink just did! I know there are two main series of the bearing, coffee drinkers and tea drinkers believe. And most importantly, what unites the two is that only love caffeine! Although I think there aresome tea that have caffeine, such as chamomile, for a total of both tea and coffee drinks are pretty addictive!
Even if the coffee my dear mother, I prefer the other drinks. I'm not trying to have every day, but reserved the good times, like Sunday, when not working! My favorite is Rooibos Earl Grey Tea and of course tea and Assam tea. The good thing about the Internet is that you want to buy any exotic teas onlineon earth, including teas such as Rooibos tea, are found only in South Africa. Of course, the impact of globalization these days you can find almost all belong to your neighborhood supermarket and teas from around the world!
Well, I think it is very difficult to start drinking the tea and the tea as a drink, but the thing is, if you tried, not a tea, perhaps you should startIn this perspective, it is the type of drink. There is no way that I described, a flavor of the tea or tea tastes like. There really is no comparison to others, even the coffee! I find that the drinks were collected from plants of interest. It's not like a mug or a chocolate drink Milo is artificial or maybe a glass of Coca Cola and so that's something. Tea is tea made from plants grown in cool or cold climates. L 'The plantations are huge, and many workers are needed to bag collection of tea leaves and tea and then prepared for the tea, which you take home from the supermarket or in boxes.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Chinese slimming tea
Have you ever wondered how the Asians to live a long, healthy, slim and successful? How do they find the cure for the disease more lethal in nature and are facts and figures to prove? We can only discover the magic of nature, to think because of the rapid pace of business life and, most of us lead, even if they come from a small town. The Chinese have discovered all the natural advantages and with the world. The Chinese tea weight loss is a simple but powerfulDass
One of the problems of infestation that we face today is weight gain. Most of us are at a desk for most of the day tied, so little practice time for us, before or after our shifts. Maintaining a balanced diet low in fat is a problem because most fast-food we offer delicious food at a pace too saturated "fast". Chinese tea for weight loss is a blessing, and most of us do not even know what a blessing it canbe.
Chinese green tea Chinese weight loss has shown that, far from any major weight loss and chemically synthetic products, not only in specialty stores, but also one click away from us, because you can find on the Internet. This is proof that you do not need chemicals to start your body to lose weight. There is a much more natural, effective and delicious for a life more subtle.
People who have ruined in Chinese Wu Yitea weight loss have also lost as much as 20 to 25 pounds on the first try. They combined the Chinese tea weight loss with a balanced diet low in saturated fat and not only feel better, seemed years younger. People delicious tea sipping a favorite soothing, calming, instead of 10 capsules containing liquids Pop up and otherwise lethal doses of caffeine, weight, sometimes doing nothing, but to prevent the impairment of the body.
BindingChinese weight loss tea is a gentle and effective way to lose weight, keeps the body from within, purifying the blood, clearing the digestive tract and the provision as a soothing at the same time. With this tea, there are only a supplement to your diet, there are also years of your life, while subtracting inches from your life.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Specialty tea flavor quality of the recorded increase
Mixing is a process of merging different teas together, improve the taste and the creation of a new benefit or flavor profile. Blends, mixtures are produced in different growing areas, or leaves can be mixed with herbs, nuts and delight fruits and flowers. Perfumes, fragrances and essential oils are often added to add flavor and aroma.
Black Blends
Breakfast teas are blends of different teas that blacks are combined robust and full-bodied flavor than theindividual gutter. English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast and Scottish breakfast are all blends of standard strength tea blacks.
afternoon mixtures are blends of black tea. These mixtures are generally lighter in flavor than blends breakfast. Breakfast and afternoon tea are often enjoyed at any time day.
Flower Mixes
Jasmine tea is a popular mixture of the green with jasmine flowers, what a delicious concoction that is sweet and fragrant flavor tooJasmine flowers. The jasmine flowers are usually removed after the taste and smell have been absorbed.
Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum tea is often pure, but sometimes the mix of green tea leaves contain or black.
Herbal and fruit teas
A tea is often mixed with mint is. mint tea is often used alone as a vegetable or mixed with black tea. fresh mint is often used as a garnish as well.
Nuts andpeel fruits are very popular. Peel of citrus fruits combined with cinnamon and spices are in the "Russian" popular blends. Bits of dried cherries, mango, blueberry, peach and other fruits are often combined with spices and tea leaves.
Spice mixtures
The spices are often mixed with tea, especially in India, Africa and Middle East cultures. Chai tea and Thai condiments are popular. Most often used spices include ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, cassia, black pepper, clove, anise,Fennel, bay leaves, nutmeg, mace and vanilla.
Most mixes with black leaves, but green and blends are becoming increasingly popular because of their health benefits. The white tea can be easily overwhelmed by strong flavors, so that it mixes with taste is very delicate.
Looking for quality special blends
Blending tea with this flavor enhancer is a common method used to increase leaves the taste of poor quality, so it's important to know thatare purchasing a high quality supplier. Often, these mixtures will sell at a premium cost of individual sheets, so you want the quality that are responsible for paying to obtain.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Buying Loose Tea by foreign brands
Some tea drinkers, tea again now accessible. A. itself, however, like to experiment. The number of brands of tea, loose tea, in particular, is absolutely overwhelming. How do you know what to buy?
Learn the market prices:
Avoid costs torn by a sense of what the tea. Traits purchase or rare tea or tea daily flights, often different from yourselfSources. Check whether the quoted price per gram, ounces, pounds, or businesses who buy do-not list weights. Check the prices of different manufacturers that could provide both a sense of what a certain type of tea tends to cover costs and that companies tend to be more expensive than others. Sometimes you can pay twice as much tea or even for the same.
If a company sells a tea for most of the normal price, ask yourself: What doesThis tea different? It is certified organic or fair trade? It is grown in small lots by small farmers? There is a special section that was chosen or accepted for its unique qualities? These teas are often negotiate a higher price, and for good reason. If you pay a premium, make sure you by a company that focuses on quality and sustainability of buying companies to know the source of their tea, and often directly from the farms of small size. Avoid paying a high price for amass product of unknown origin.
Also be wary if a tea seems unusually low cost. There are many ways to do business in the world of tea at a low price can often be a sign of an inferior product. Sometimes tea can also be marketed wrong or dishonest. Make sure you know the company you need to do before jumping to what seems like a good deal.
Identify what each company is better:
Each company hasits strengths and weaknesses, and this is certainly true tea company. But because of the popularity of certain types of tea, it is common for a company in getting some well-known and popular species, although this is not that the company has devoted most of his efforts. For example, companies selling tea at least a majority of Earl Grey, and a company that concentrates tea, black tea is usually wearing some 'green too. Many companies focus on a teaparticular style or region. Usually a company will be the focus of us through its catalog and online listings evident. Buy based on the strengths of each company, you will be pleasantly surprised.
Use online communities:
There is a wealth of online communities centered tea. More tea drinkers may help to know which brands to buy. And share your expertise in these communities or in your personal blog canbe a great way to let others know about your experience buying the tea.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Venna Lake, Mahabaleshwar monsoon rains
Friday, November 19, 2010
Western Regional Barista Competition 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
What is the best way to learn: Tips for information
What is the best way to remember? We all remember to get the best, here are some basic tips on how you might improve that to be a part of your brain.
After do some research on what is the best way to remember, I have found some common elements to what experts recommend. Much that is where common sense and something you probably do not believe it, but other ideas may be new to you. However many of these tips you can remember your ability, the better.
The first tip on how toto learn by heart is repetition. This is one that is used by most people remember and what experts in the memory as the cornerstone of your advice anyway. It 's very often the case when we repeat something, is thought to be a phone number or song, the more likely we are to it. The repetition helps the brain to a stronger connection that you make on this piece of information. It also helps to set the piece of information for storage in long-term memory in the short term.
Another tip on how toto remember the information is important to remember that people just keep, able, on average 5-9 pieces of information in their short-term memory at a time to stop. Since most of what they have processes in memory starting from here, it is useful to focus on a few pieces of data. For example, if you have a list of 15 items, starting with the first 5 to remember. Repeat the procedure until you can memorize and repeat without looking. Then you should have a different group. Repeat the two groups within his mind. Continue until the list at the top and then repeat the list.
Experts also recommend a bit 'different about this suggestion on how to remember the information received, that is, break the data into clusters. Each cluster is then a piece of data. Use a phone number as an example, it could be groped to save all 10 digits individually or you can delete the number in large numbers ... 553-667-8483 Sun is 55, 36, 67, 84 and 83 It is sometimes usefulremind me of a smaller group of large numbers as a larger number of individual numbers. These are the data of several numbers, try to organize the information into clusters that make sense and reduce the number of individual pieces of data you are trying to remember.
But this movement is more complicated for something? What is the best way to remember something like a speech, for example? Well, the obvious repetition is not helpful. The more you practice your speech is the most likely toable to give, never read the notes. However, another technique that may contribute to the idea of clustering and the group is to take the parts of speech, or at least the important ideas in each section and then try to associate it with something familiar.
The trick to this is that you associated with something that is easy to remember. It does not help if the association is also something that you have difficulties, as well as stress. Then when you go through your speechthink of each association and the idea that it follows, as you work through the issue.
Although not explicitly a tip for what the best type of learning is important, deal with the secondary factors that may affect the ability to learn. It 'important that when you try to remember that in an environment free of distractions, that you are getting a good rest and good food. All these factors affect the functioning of our minds and quality, aswork. If you can see I really gung on your memory and mental function, then herbal supplements like ginseng and ginkgo, to improve mental function, concentration and memory. Although not a big secret, you should consider these ideas to improve memory performance. Many of us tend to forget that there are ways to improve our mental skills with simple techniques and less frustration.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Hua Xing Asia Market
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
An event at the Tweetup Sisarina Zen Tara DC Tea.mp4
Monday, November 15, 2010
You know, like pills to choose the best green tea extract?
There are dozens of different brands of green tea extract pills. Trying to choose one can be difficult. You may be tempted to choose the cheapest. This is not a good idea. Here's why.
You've probably read or heard of contaminants in the ingredients from China. The country, which supplies most of the leaves of green tea is China. Not all manufacturers in China are bad, but only about 2% of them are good.
Bad company providing raw materialssupplement manufacturers for big discounts. They provide a certificate of analysis that the retailer can create a paper trail, if ever "caught". But falsified certificates of analysis in reality.
The retailers a better laboratory for independent analysis of the raw materials before their use. E 'expensive and time consuming, but if you want to make a pure and potent supplements available, it is important.
Cheap green tea extract pills cancontaminated. This is a problem. The other is that they may not contain what they claim. Many additions were made in the USA analyzed by independent laboratories over the years. Some of them were found to contain nothing but sawdust.
If you see a price difference between supplements, you have to question the actual content of the cheapest. There is a big difference between the cost of raw materials from reliable sources. If a productcosts only 50 cents less, is probably the same quality. If it's $ 5 or $ 6 less cost, then something is wrong with him.
There are other things to consider when shopping for supplements, all kinds. It is worthwhile to do a little research. Find out if the company ever to public safety groups, the FTC or the FDA has been studied. Find out if ever invoked. This indicates that indicate that a company does not really know what they offer. You are not experimenting with approachesas they should.
Then you have to decide if green tea ingredient singles that pills are the best value for your money. Some of the best supplements containing the extract, as well as vitamins and minerals base. They also provide the essential amino acids and special supplements that are good for health.
If you decide to pills, the only ingredient in green tea extract are your best choice that a producer who listsCatechin. It 's the catechins that provide health benefits. The best give 80 mg of catechins per 100 mg of extract.
According to the researchers catechins could prevent cancer, heart disease, type II diabetes, obesity and arthritis. Only about 25% of the dry mass of fresh leaves of green tea catechins. If you've read some labels, you'll see that many have only 100mg capsules, 25 mg of catechins. They contain essentially the dried teaLeaves.
This information will help you compare the green tea extract pills, but you want to learn the life of some other nutrients, and to reduce the risk that your illness could be extended. If you have two minutes to spare, take a look at my site to buy.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Tea tasting to health - a new perspective on how to taste tea
Tea tasting is often seen as a specialized art. People pay steeply for laboratories tasting tea. Large companies such as Lipton tea Tea professional tasters use seasonally adjusted, the consistency of their mixtures to vary the combination of different types of tea, its characteristics. May Day tea lovers of taste and dozens of rare tea in one. Michael Harney of Harney & Sons Tea Tasting offers an average 80Day.
A new way to enjoy tea?
But there is another way to try to get close tea - that no one is available, requires no training, and health benefits of tea, try the often overlooked by other approaches. To understand this approach, we must understand our sense of taste and smell.
What is the purpose of our taste and smell?
People have a sense of taste and smellensure that there are foods that are healthy and no toxic or harmful to our health to eat. On a fundamental level that things are edible and taste good, are nutritious and taste of bad things that toxic or harmful. But nobody knows how to live in our modern society that is no more the taste of this simplification. Some foods taste good initially, but are not good for us, and on the other hand, a high degree of healthy foods and beverages, including many types of tea are described aswith an acquired taste. Something with an acquired taste flavors often unattractive, if you try first, but begins to taste better in time will consume more.
"Acquired taste" to help people find healthy food and drink:
The phenomenon of acquired taste serves to reduce the risk of poisoning to ensure that when we have something unusual, we just try to meet small amounts reduced. The human body and spirit employ complex feedback mechanisms that links ourdigestive tract and other biological systems, our memories of taste and smell. If something gives us a feeling of well being and food after eating or drinking, we gradually more comfortable with taste and aroma and develop a liking for them. If there is bad or good, we are opposed to the taste and aroma.
These questions are relevant both tasting tea, as many teas are an acquired taste, and also because the tea has both positive and negative Impact on health. Tea, green tea in particular is often touted for its health benefits, including antioxidant activity, cancer prevention, stress reduction, antimicrobial activity and promoting a healthy immune system and intestinal flora sound, including a number of other benefits. But these services vary widely from a variety of teas to the next, and tea can also have negative effects on health.
As the health benefits of tea are different from> Tea?
Darker teas contain tannins, whose negative effects can influence the absorption of iron and other nutrients. Tea contains caffeine, which cause or contribute to addiction, insomnia, anxiety, and others. Some teas are acidic, which can be rough on your stomach, especially for patients with reflux. and herbal teas are even more different in terms of health of their positive and negative effects.Moreover, different people vary greatly in their susceptibility to these health effects.
Tea tasting to maximize the health benefits:
Tea-tasting, and in particular in developing countries have acquired the taste for tea, over time, gives us a tool to resolve this problem. With tea tasting over time, we let our taste makes us feel like the customization of tea. We believe that tea is healthy and balanced taste better to us, and we will come toAversion (and thus avoid) those that make us feel uncomfortable.
Here are some tips on how to taste tea way to develop your taste for diversity that reflect the impact on health:
Just try a cup of tea at a time and leave some 'time between the tasting of different teas.
Concentrate on how you feel after drinking tea.
Try different tea new times in various different days.
Pay attention to how your impression of the changes during the teaTime.
Think of the day for the tea you like best and moods that tea or dietary supplements.
Experiment supply tea in different ways, varying the temperature, the amount of leaves and steeping times to understand what kind of beer to the most beautiful trophy.
The recommendation to drink a tea at a time runs counter to most approaches to the tasting tea, to reiterate many teas to compare.This approach is essential if you like tea, so you can adjust your taste in each case reflect the effects on health. Once you drink two cups of tea, and makes you feel uncomfortable after a while, 'mind time and the body is unable to determine who was committed, and you can come away with a distaste for tea healthy.
Take the time to first deposit up to dislike the taste for tea, you can:
Tea tasting several times eachis essential if you allow yourself to develop an acquired taste for the new tea, especially those with exotic aromas. Many of my favorite teas are those who have no love at first sip, but only learned over time appreciate. If you buy in bulk samples of tea, be sure to order enough to make several cups. If you reject any tea SIP, you do not like initially, it can be separated from some of the tea-do you like most in the long run.
If youfollow these recommendations, you can never be a connoisseur of tea, yes, your approach is "frowned upon by some experts. But you find your taste develops in a way that helps guide you to tea, improve your health and general welfare. Since every person has a unique diet, lifestyle and genetic-up, we all have different needs, which are summarized in general statements about a type of tea to a generally more healthier thananother. If science can help us to understand that tea is healthy for most people, the taste, every person can understand only the driver, which teas are best for them. Tasting tea can therefore at best an integral part of health promotion through consumption of tea is adapting for each of you. Have fun!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Houston Hunters_01S001_Brahms House Lane
Friday, November 12, 2010
Cafe Tea premium EnlighTea Fall 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Coffee and tea are good for us? Yes! (First in a series)
She is pleased that many of the foods and drinks you love are not only experience "good," as the occasional indulgence - are good for you! Let's start with the coffee and tea ... and call you a beer to read my related articles on wine and chocolate.
The coffee is made from toasted seeds and ground several tropical trees or shrubs of the genus Coffea.
An Arab legend tells of a shepherd, a drink made from berries grown on bushes, strange, and afterDrinking experience with exceptional clarity and alertness. The shrubs were considered the descendants of the Queen of Sheba, who should have been planted in Ethiopia, where it is Coffea arabica.
Nearly 20,000 scientific studies have been conducted on coffee or caffeine. Here in a nutshell, the results are not only coffee drink in moderation is no health hazard, it can actually be a blessing. E 'safe to use during pregnancy, and children are not more sensitive toCaffeine than adults.
The average American consumes about 200 milligrams of caffeine per day, about the equivalent of two cups of coffee (a number which, of course, those who do not drink at all). "Moderate" drinking is usually defined as 300 mg a day - fifty-four cups of coffee, fifty-six or seven cups of hot tea, depending on the size of the cup.
What has more caffeine, coffee or tea? "It depends. Su-per-pound basis pound, tea is more. But whyTea is not necessary to make a cup of tea, usually a cup of coffee has more caffeine - about twice as much. There are also significant differences in the variety of coffee or tea and the brewing method used. Dark-roasted coffee contains less caffeine than lighter roasted beans, arabica beans tend to have less caffeine and a milder taste than Robusta.
"Decaffeinated" coffee and tea contain about 5 mg per cup.
Caffeine is a centralnervous system stimulant. While individuals vary in their sensitivity to caffeine, there are some generalizations. Caffeine can increase the speed of rapid information processing, attention, energy, perseverance, motivation and concentration. This has important implications especially for night shift workers and drivers, as well as for those who remain productive in the labor market after lunch. This effect of greater vigilance, can also relieve the discomfort associated with common cold. (Well,this is good news for those of us who prefer the coffee, but I feel obliged to go to the nose of herbs, with the appearance of a sore throat or runny!)
Caffeine relieves headaches by constricting the blood vessels in the brain, which in turn cranial pressure. So it's no wonder that there is an active ingredient in headache relievers.
Some studies have linked caffeine consumption to a decline in levels of depression and anxiety.
Caffeine is known to contribute to a long period of time for those who suffer from asthma,Many of them have found regular consumption of coffee in a moderating influence on the attacks. This is not a surprise, or, thanks to the drug theophylline - a medicine prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma.
The higher consumption of caffeine is associated with a significantly lower incidence of Parkinson's disease. That's because caffeine intake reduces the amount of depletion of dopamine, a characteristic of Parkinson's disease.
Last but not least, caffeine stimulatesMetabolism.
Apart from caffeine, coffee has a complex chemical composition. A characteristic of many plants is the abundance of compounds with antioxidant properties, and the coffee is no exception. Flavonoids are particularly common in plants and also the protection of major diseases.
Antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer and prevent good (HDL) from turning into bad (LDL), one of the causes of heart disease. Antioxidants neutralize the effects of "free radicals" highreactive molecules that cause chemical reactions that damage cells of the body can travel through the link with the extra electron. Free radicals have also led to stroke, cancer and the aging process itself. Substances with antioxidant activity found to occur in the roasting.
Coffee is a good dietary source of potassium. The coffee is a good choice as a diuretic, potassium loss is an unwanted side effect of most diuretics. Coffee canRisk of liver cirrhosis.
The tea is made from the leaves of a shrub species of camellia.
The first Chinese tea leaves collected in the wild tea plant and have grown at least since 350 AD. The Court of Charles II of England in the 17th Century established tea as a fashionable drink for the elite.
The fire, fermentation and / or oxidizing it, determines whether the tea leaves are green, black, orOolong.
Tea is a source of vitamin A and B6, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, pantothenic acid, ascorbic acid and folic acid, manganese, potassium and fluoride.
Flavonoids are the tea, 'green tea all sorts has the highest concentration of travel. Tea HDL is under investigation for his achievements in improving immune function, lowering LDL and raising, lowering blood pressure, blood thinner, reducing the risk of heart attack and cancer, the increaseLongevity, digestion and promote dental health.
There is convincing evidence of a protective effect of coffee and tea against colorectal cancer the second most common cancer deaths in the United States. High coffee intake decreases the excretion of bile acids, which are suspected carcinogens to the colon. Due to its diuretic properties of caffeine can help the risk of bladder cancer.
A higher intake of coffee and tea, bothregular and decaffeinated coffee, combined with a reduced risk of kidney stones are much stronger than water. (A slight advantage in coffee with caffeine was found to decaf.) It is interesting to note that the increase in the consumption of apple and grapefruit juice linked to an increased risk of stone formation.
One study found that coffee drinkers drink people to suffer less heart disease of tea. This can not be a scalerelation of cause and effect: maybe people have to choose to drink coffee more youthful / healthy lifestyles in other respects.
Science has the dark myths that caffeine contributes to breast cancer, bladder cancer, stomach ulcers, digestive disorders and osteoporosis exposed.
There is a reason not to consume caffeine? In some patients, caffeine is a temporary increase in blood pressure, so people should be associated with high blood pressure to avoid caffeine during the heavy loadTimes.
In addition, more sensitive to caffeine, this is not able to drink coffee or tea at the end of the day, because caffeine delays the onset of sleep. Worse still, some people do not realize that they are not as well rested the next day, as it should be, and can therefore more susceptible to fatigue accidents.
E 'can become addicted to caffeine? coffee drinkers do not show the behaviors that define addiction - withdrawal symptoms severe, tolerance, the need forconsume drugs at all costs, and antisocial behavior and crime. Both the coffee or other caffeine-containing products are classified by experts as a drug addiction.
Yet, to give up caffeine suddenly can be unpleasant. The most common withdrawal symptoms include headaches, fatigue, sleepiness, irritability, depression and flu-like feelings. Weaning gradually - about one week - should minimize the inconvenience.
So drink - without theGuilt.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
You have a lot of business card holders? Use it now!
You may find yourself in a position where we have a lot of business card holders, but moved to limited business, commercial or not at all. It could be a student, without the need for business cards yet (just the greeting card and control of your parents, I would like to thank) or a new program, started your career (a call card is more appreciated ), or start a new career.
Traditional uses
card holders serve one main purpose - toKeep business cards organized, clean and fresh. As no crumpled tickets will not be the high cards. In business as in life, first impressions last, and business cards are no exception.
The question, what should the owner of the business card that you are overflowing drawers. It certainly can not give away or throw away, especially if this person! This is not only a waste of practical terms, it is also aInsult to the donor.
Creative applications
The majority of card holders are thin and flexible. With a variety of colors, finishes and construction, you can use for a variety of purposes, such as:
* Replacement for maps, in particular the support of the thin film of metal. You can have a driver's license, credit cards and bank notes, without worrying about the pockets of baggy pants and suit pockets. In addition, the pickpockets do not think that money is available in a paper, becausethis is not what is there.
In this way, the light travel, literally. You can work hands-free portfolios and have fun without worrying about its security budget. You can go to clubs and dancing all night movie without money bag stuck to the ground, and at official events with almost nothing on your hands. Especially the many ways to travel light!
A welcome advantage of metal business card holders as the owner of the paper is to prevent unauthorized scanningDebit cards and credit, use a chip RFDi. Your portfolio does not have this property. At least your credit card debt, will not be affected, saying it does not end with an empty wallet, figuratively speaking.
* Support for small items you need organized. How about your bags of sugar without the calories that do not wear your favorite coffee? How would your specialty cream tea bags, instant coffee sachets and envelopes? How about the spicePackages can not live without? In truth, you can pack your beloved dust and then store it conveniently. You can decide the thickness of the card holder in this case.
* Containers for the temporary income of small size. Often these small revenue slipped in your pocket or wallet in your pocket has pushed the bags. It is often difficult to find when you need more. Why is not desirable in a business card holder labeled for the purpose?
Put yourto use imagination and you can certainly find other creative ways to use your business card holders. And if you want, tell us about it!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Kenyan Recipes
Mahamri is an alternative to bread or biscuits. And 'sweetened and flavored. Mahamris are a specialty of the Kenyan coast. Coastal women prepare for breakfast or as a side dish for vegetarians.
What to prepare MAHAMRI
Iliki - Swahili cardamom
Amira - Swahili for the yeast
White flour
fresh milk or coconut milk
This egg is connected optional
Hot water
1. Dilute a teaspoon of yeast in a cup of warm water and let stand for at least three hours.
2. Mix one teaspoon of ground cardamom, four tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt and three eggs.
3. Add half a glass of warm milk and yeast mixture and stir.
4. Add three cups of flour for kneading the dough and the dough until it is fine. Make sure that no flour lumps.
5. Divide the dough into several balls of medium sizeand roll on a floured board or surface.
6. cut depending on the size of each ball, rolled the dough into small pieces. You can cut round or square, depending on your choice.
7. Let stand at room temperature, these balls for about two hours, causing them to light.
8. Pour the oil into a pan and heat until hot. Start over roast mahamris to go on one. Cook on both sides until they are golden brown. Do not let them remain inthe pan for more than three minutes.
Serving tips
Good for breakfast with tea or coffee. They can be eaten as a snack on their own or with roasted cowpeas as a full meal.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
House Hunters Houston _Episode1 demoreel
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
2010 Jigongshan tea and the World Forum
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Green Tea - The explosion of ideas
There is a recent report suggests that the billions of tea consumption in the United States hit a new level this year and last year 6.2 tea industry transformed the incident. This is a fourfold increase on statistics from 10 years and the amount of tea houses / shops also replicated this trend. Slowed down from 200 in early 1990 to 2000 growth in 2005, without a sign of the trend.
The reasons are twofold, first, that the teaAs health-conscious option than coffee and tea does not tolerate as infused with other subtle flavors would like coffee.
Tea in general, but green tea, in particular, is becoming a very positive press in recent years and the results of the tests vary in the amount of help though that the health of green tea are those of our reports generally all agree c ' and some help is in the public opinion in general, this is a goodBasic drinking enough.
A surprising finding is that 127 million Americans say that the majority of tea is now their favorite drink, but 80% of tea consumed in the United States has been making ice.
Green tea, the press gets most of the antioxidants in the body, etc., will not be surprised to know the market, the drinks is that derivatives of green tea, are the biggest "team" in
In contrast to the taste of coffee, whose strong You can just enjoy mixing with other tasty foods, tea drinkers, tea is mixed with many other foods, so there is a wide range of products currently available for the range of tickled. "
Tea can be mixed with almost any fruit can think of. Often found in tea flavors include peach, blueberry, blackberry, hibiscus, lemon grass, pineapple and apricot. The possibilities are apparently endless. In the search for new ways to ingest Green> Tea is a specialty company has also developed green tea ice cream
This explosion of ideas, something like this tea with us and the response of consumer markets for things that are health conscious and make us feel better.
Tea seems to be what a lot of things on the market, competitor, coffee, never. Coffee is a stimulant that keeps you all day presented in the incessant noise of life.Green tea and other alternative treatments are shown as committed, life slower, and this is what the public is currently a tendency a.
The marketing men developed more and more opportunities for us, as we should beer it seems that there should be an explosion of ideas for further prepared over the years to drink.
Mike Linder
Monday, November 1, 2010
Tea's Tea Trekker 101 Black