Thursday, August 19, 2010

Skip Wulong Tea

If you are interested in an unusual drink Wulong tea, you should try to find some of Wulong spring. Products are undoubtedly the best tea for years, as the leaves are fresh and new growth. There are many different varieties of tea spring, grew up with those in higher positions usually take the higher prices. This is not without reason. The cooler climate zones found at higher altitudes lead to a slowdown in growth and maturation of tea plants,So that the leaves collected from them is a quality much higher than those collected from plants growing rapidly.

For the truly exceptional as Lishan tea, spring tea Linx or Dayaling Shang A-class are actually all sold before they are harvested, so their application. If you will be able to find some 'market will no doubt pay a high price for small quantities. It 's great value for money for tea? Depends on whether you are aExperienced or not. Some people are willing to spend thousands of dollars for the best teas.

It helps to think of tea wine in a similar way. You have your cheap table wines, fine wines, best saved for special occasions, and then you have cost your high quality wine, the thousands of dollars per bottle. Some of the best wines ever made actually on the market. And 'exactly the same thing with tea. In fact, the whole process of tasting teavery similar to wine tasting, tasters also describes some of the same conditions for the beverage industry to use as wine testers.

Of course, most people are unable to afford high quality tea. But for a bit 'more than pay for a decent tea tea wu long as you enjoy the spring, when there are different types of tea produced every spring. They are often very good quality tea much better than you could buy inthe supermarket, if you buy, and loose tea leaf, but are affordable for those who appreciate a good long-wu. So if you're looking for a good tea purchase check the local tea rooms and see if it agrees Any new spring tea. Tea is exported worldwide from China and Taiwan as a whole, usually customers of specialty tea rooms or private.

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