Monday, May 23, 2011

Clean-eaters should stop drinking coffee?

Many of eating clean therapy can have a look foolish when they ask if they wanted their morning coffee. Other eating clean can say they have never felt better after you put on. If you are not familiar with the term "eating clean", simply means eating only whole, natural foods that are not processed. Clean Eating involves the elimination of sugar, flour, and alcohol (alcohol or significantly reduced.) Basically, if it is not natural, it is probably aThe term "eating clean".

As far as coffee goes, it's an ongoing battle between health benefits and risks for years. One day you can read how great the coffee in moderation, and then how terrible it is to health. That it is to discover as much information as possible and decide if they need it in your diet.

Coffee Health Benefits

Here are some benefits of coffee on health. Please note that none of theseThe benefits are 100% tested and appears only to offer the benefits.

Reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease
Lower risk of Parkinson's disease
Reduced risk of breast cancer
Reduced risk of heart disease
Reduced risk of diabetes
They can help fight certain cancers

Coffee Risk

Can lead to iron deficiency
It can increase cholesterol levels (in some)
It can reduce calcium absorption
risks of caffeine (such as heartburn, high blood pressure, insomnia, etc.)

If youDecides that the coffee is good for eating a clean diet, knows that to keep it "clean" no, cream or milk sugar. The extras are what add the extra fat and calories. Otherwise, drink black coffee, is very low in calories, but you can monitor your caffeine consumption.

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