Rene Caisse was a nurse in Canada, as years has developed the recipe for Essiac, herbal alternative, 80, who was used as a cancer treatment for more than. But nurse Caisse does not claim to have invented the recipe for Essiac.
In 1922, Rene Caisse met an elderly woman who tells her incredible story. The woman said she had breast cancer but was cured by Ontario drinking tea from certain herbs that grow in northern In addition,He said the formula was given by an old Indian healer - a man of traditional medicine.
Years later, a woman with a diagnosis of cancer Caisse aunt came up with the formula Renee wrote it was. With the permission of the doctor of his aunt, Mrs. Caisse prepared a batch of the tea plant and gave it to her aunt. In his book "Cancer has been a nurse in Canada," Caisse said, after being given no hope by the medical profession, my aunt lived for another 21Years after tea and herbal treatments. He said that the doctor was so impressed that he asked her aunt's Caisse to use their formula for some of its other cancer patients.
Caisse has also set up a clinic in Bracebridge, Ontario, where he used to tread Essiac thousands of cancer patients. A doctor who was particularly impressed by the work was Caisse J. Frederic Banting, who won a Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1923, the discovery of insulin. In his book cited Caisse Dr. Bantingwith the words, "Essiac has control of the pancreas in normal function."
However, the medical establishment to be skeptical about the effectiveness of Essiac. E 'against the law to say that integrate Essiac is a cure for any medical condition so that the tea is currently marketed as a diet.
The estimated cancer researcher, Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. reported that Essiac was tested in 1970 in two prestigious cancer research institutions, bothconcluded that Essiac did not cause any proven anti-cancer activity in animals. However, Dr. Moss said Essiac "investigation was worth it" for two reasons: the current anecdotal reports of its usefulness and since then have used the individual ingredients in the Essiac formula have proven to be anti-cancer properties. The four herbs in Essiac Original Formula Slippery Elm inner bark, burdock root, sorrel and Indian rhubarb root.
As a result, it should benoted that the name comes from the backward spelling of the name Essiac Rene Caisse.
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