Friday, October 8, 2010

The perfect blend of tea and honey

BC According to Chinese tradition, in the 2737th Chinese Emperor Nung KSAN found drinking tea, she drank a glass of warm water. The constant wind in a pane of glass from a tree under which sat the Emperor. He found the mixture to be a big improvement from simply boiling water. And after that he ordered for tea cultivation.

Today, tea is a hundreds of species in different genera, and is a popular and refreshing, the most frequentconsumed beverage in the world after water. The Chinese and Japanese have a habit of drinking the beverage in the afternoon and the British people drink several cups each day. Tea is very popular sport in India, where production is larger establishment. Green tea is especially cabbage) wanted to people from the East, and the semi-fermented tea, especially oolong (black dragon of the people in southern China and Taiwan. Black tea is consumed relatively in Europe. In addition to his passion for pleasure, the tea is rich in various health benefits. Has anti-cancer polyphenols, essential oils, some vitamins (E and some B group) and minerals, including a high percentage of zinc, which is important for pregnant women. The more processing tea leaves undergo, the darker they become. The green tea, the less processed it is simply steamed quickly. Black and red tea are partially dried, crushed and fermented.

> Tea has long been debated in many countries in association with almost every meal and to be accepted as a healthy complement to drink. Scientific studies suggest that the health benefits of tea can improve the health of the person to drink has sparked new interest in tea as an alternative. A cup of tea contains an average of 40 mg of caffeine compared to 85mg as found in a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Heart health and cancer prevention benefits of black tea and greenwell known. Scientists have a natural class of antioxidants called flavonoids found in many plant foods natural tea, including. These antioxidants help the body of molecules called free radicals, harmful by-products of body pollution and the natural aging process. Free radicals in the body cells are very unstable and tend to react negatively with other important molecules like DNA, to faults and damage at the cellular level. L 'The destruction of these free radicals is paving the way for many diseases, including cancer. It is also believed that antioxidants have beneficial effects on dental health. Studies have shown that rinsing the mouth with black or green tea can prevent cavities and gum disease. The antioxidants in black tea inhibit the growth of bacteria that promotes cavities and the ability to effect tooth surfaces safe. The findings suggest that tea also increase bone density andDrinking tea regularly may produce stronger bones for years. It also shows that older women who are tea drinkers are less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis benefit of those who do not do: drink another health tea. Tea Express tea drinkers will get caught in blood pressure. Drink half a cup of green or oolong tea may reduce the risk of one per day per person of high blood pressure, according to some studies.

Many people use honeyOf course, to sweeten the tea as a substitute for table sugar because of health benefits associated with it. A good source of carbohydrates, sweetened with natural honey with no additives or preservatives. Thanks to its composition, pure honey has a minor effect on the levels of glucose and insulin. Beide Tee und Honig bekanntermaßen Krebs Antioxidantien enthalten sind, wie die verhindern und Schaden an Geweben Zellen, die Krankheiten beitragen.

Personally I am very intrigued and curious about how theHundreds of varieties of honey and mix to combine these with you and adapt to the moods and preferences of individual taste. I can not imagine who would have the kind of exciting effects of various combinations of our sensory experience, not to mention the health benefits naturally inherent in both products. We have no knowledge of the various combinations of honey tea experiment. It 's fun and easy to tie into your daily breakfast, afternoonSnack or a family event. For example, the tea honey avocado varieties to go with Earl Grey tea and clover honey with lemon or mint for a unique taste, variety of Tupelo honey jasmine tea and eucalyptus honey with Irish Breakfast tea. Badge honey flavor Blueberry adds zest mixture of sweet tea as Earl Grey or English Breakfast. orange blossom honey, the most versatile variety adds a new dimension for most tea. SomeI think it's better with black tea such as Ceylon and Darjeeling. T-shirt with a strong flavor, such as jasmine or apple-cinnamon, well seasoned with honey, alfalfa mild. sage honey, another variety of sweet orange adds even more intense spices, including lemon and mint tea.

So why not also take 1-2 cups of tea diet as a healthy part of your everyday life. The flavor possibilities are endless, and perhaps limited only by your imagination. Finally, rememberWhen you add the tea honey, wait until it's too hot to destroy its natural goodness.

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